中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所高功率激光物理联合实验室,上海 201800
传输反射镜是高功率激光装置中连接主放大系统与靶场终端的关键组成部分,实现它的表面洁净控制尤为必要。本课题组基于风刀高速吹扫颗粒物去除技术,探究了开放式环境下,风刀安装高度、进气压力、出气口间隙、吹扫次数等工艺参数对靶场终端反射镜表面Al2O3、灰尘和不锈钢等颗粒物去除效率的影响,并从实验中捕捉到了颗粒物的动态运动轨迹。研究结果表明:提高进气压力可以提高颗粒物的去除效率;当风刀安装高度为4 mm、进气压力为1.5 MPa时,0.05 mm或0.1 mm的风刀出气口间隙均可实现90%以上的平均去除效率;当进气压力不高于1.2 MPa时,增加吹扫次数并不能提高颗粒物的去除效率;在去除过程中,颗粒物沿着高速气流方向直线运动。本次实验结果为靶场终端传输反射镜在线表面洁净控制提供了重要参考和技术支撑。
光学器件 传输反射镜 洁净控制 颗粒污染物 风刀 
2022, 49(13): 1301003
李养帅 1张军勇 1,*朱健强 1,**李畅 1,2[ ... ]孙明营 1
1 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所高功率激光物理联合实验室, 上海 201800
2 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
3 中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所, 浙江 宁波 315201
为了降低铝合金因激光辐照而产生颗粒污染物的几率,研究了激光冲击强化对纳秒激光辐照5052铝合金诱致污染物产生规律的影响。首先采用不同功率密度的纳秒激光对5052铝合金试样进行冲击强化,而后采用纳秒激光对激光冲击强化后的5052铝合金试样进行辐照-洁净度测试,最后对比分析激光冲击强化前后5052铝合金试样表面硬度、形貌、粗糙度及因激光辐照诱致污染物产生规律的变化。研究结果表明:激光冲击强化在提高5052铝合金表面强度的同时,对抑制低通量激光辐照(不高于0.65 J/cm 2)导致的污染物产生同样是有效的;对于粗糙度Ra为1.6的5052铝合金表面,经聚焦光斑直径为2.2 mm的高斯脉冲激光(光斑搭接率为50%,波长为532 nm,脉冲宽度为14 ns,功率密度为0.75~1.88 GW/cm 2)冲击强化后,低通量激光辐照阶段,激光诱致污染物(粒径为0.3~0.5 μm)数量降低25%~50%。研究结果为5052铝合金因激光辐照,尤其是低通量激光辐照而产生污染物的控制提供了一种新的方法。
激光技术 激光冲击强化 洁净控制 铝合金 激光辐照 颗粒污染物 
2021, 48(18): 1802010
Author Affiliations
1 Key Laboratory on High Power Laser and Physics, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai201800, China
2 Shanghai Institute of Laser Plasma, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Shanghai201800, China
As the key part for energy amplification of high-power laser systems, disk amplifiers must work in an extremely clean environment. Different from the traditional cleanliness control scheme of active intake and passive exhaust (AIPE), a new method of active exhaust and passive intake (AEPI) is proposed in this paper. Combined with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technology, through the optimization design of the sizes, shapes, and locations of different outlets and inlets, the turbulence that is unfavorable to cleanliness control is effectively avoided in the disk amplifier cavity during the process of AEPI. Finally, the cleanliness control of the cavity of the disk amplifier can be realized just by once exhaust. Meanwhile, the micro negative pressure environment in the amplifier cavity produced during the exhaust process reduces the requirement for sealing. This method is simple, time saving, gas saving, efficient, and safe. It is also suitable for the cleanliness control of similar amplifiers.
active exhaust and passive intake computational fluid dynamics cleanliness control disk amplifier 
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
2020, 8(4): 04000e45
王冰艳 1李养帅 1,*张攀政 1,**王利 1[ ... ]朱健强 1
1 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所高功率激光物理联合实验室, 上海 201800
2 中国工程物理研究院上海激光等离子体研究所, 上海 201800
重复频率激光放大器是实现重复频率激光器的关键器件,其重复频率取决于对抽运及放大过程中产生热量的有效控制。针对千焦耳量级输出重复频率激光器的需求,通过合理的结构设计、冷却液选型及测试等,研制出一台基于氙灯抽运、钕玻璃增益介质、液体冷却、通光直径为Φ130 mm的激光放大器样机。测试结果表明,该放大器样机可实现每分钟一次的重复频率运行,同时具备双程1.3189倍净增益,双程动态波前PV(peak to valley)平均值为0.2718波长(λ)(20 ℃,λ=1053 nm,10发次计)和0.3223λ(30 ℃,λ=1053 nm,10发次计)。
激光器 重复频率激光放大器 液体冷却 氙灯抽运 钕玻璃 
2019, 46(10): 1001007
1 中科院上海光学精密机械研究所高功率激光物理联合实验室, 上海 201800
2 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
激光器 非成像 边缘光线原理 抽运腔 
2015, 42(10): 1002007
1 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所, 高功率激光物理联合实验室, 上海 201800
2 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
针对传统方法抛光高功率激光实验中使用的长焦距列阵透镜单元遇到的检测困难、一致性差等问题,提出了采用环形抛光的新方法。对环形抛光系统的理论分析表明,抛光盘面形可以稳定在球面状态。利用这种特性,环形抛光法可以抛光小曲率球面。阐述了抛光盘面形的调节方法。利用0.69 m 环形抛光机对口径45 mm、曲率半径57207 mm 的列阵透镜单元进行了抛光,结果表明面形精度和一致性均优于平面摆动式抛光法。最后对环形抛光机可抛光的球面曲率半径范围进行了探讨,发现盘面尺寸越小球面抛光能力越强,直径0.8 m 的盘面可抛光的曲率半径可低至10 m。
光学制造 环形抛光 列阵透镜 面形控制 大曲率半径 
2015, 42(7): 0708011
1 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所, 高功率激光物理联合实验室, 上海 201800
2 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
针对传统方法抛光高功率激光实验中使用的长焦距列阵透镜单元遇到的检测困难、一致性差等问题,提出了采用环形抛光的新方法。对环形抛光系统的理论分析表明,抛光盘面形可以稳定在球面状态。利用这种特性,环形抛光法可以抛光小曲率球面。阐述了抛光盘面形的调节方法。利用0.69 m 环形抛光机对口径45 mm、曲率半径57207 mm 的列阵透镜单元进行了抛光,结果表明面形精度和一致性均优于平面摆动式抛光法。最后对环形抛光机可抛光的球面曲率半径范围进行了探讨,发现盘面尺寸越小球面抛光能力越强,直径0.8 m 的盘面可抛光的曲率半径可低至10 m。
光学制造 环形抛光 列阵透镜 面形控制 大曲率半径 
2015, 42(6): 0608008
1 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所, 高功率激光物理联合实验室, 上海 201800
2 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
对环形抛光法加工大小口径工件面形不一致的问题进行了研究。在0.69 m 环形抛光机上发现,φ100 mm 工件面形微凹时,φ48 mm 工件为峰谷(PV)值0.336 λ(λ = 632.8 nm) 的凸面形。利用Winkler假定和Preston方程对工件的面形进行了研究,发现倾覆力矩是引起面形不一致的主要原因。对于圆形工件的理论计算结果表明,当工件和抛光盘之间的摩擦系数与分离器对工件的作用力合力的高度的乘积大于工件直径0.125 倍时,工件将会变凸。对工件进行了加压、润滑和降低工件支撑位置等实验,发现加压不能改善工件面形一致性;在抛光液中添加润滑剂后一致性有了一定的改善,φ48 mm 工件PV 值降为0.128 λ ;而降低工件支持位置后,大小口径工件面形不一致性问题得到了解决,φ48 mm 工件PV 值降为0.058 λ ,且变为微凹面。此结果表明抛光盘与工件的摩擦系数不能太大,且分离器对工件的支持位置应尽量靠进盘面。
光学制造 面形一致性 环形抛光 倾覆力矩 润滑 
2015, 42(6): 0608003
Author Affiliations
1 中科院上海光学精密机械研究所高功率激光物理联合实验室, 上海 201800
2 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
According to the non-imaging pump style, pump cavity structure with the theoretical maximum coupling efficiency is researched. Multi-lamp non-imaging pump cavities are designed by edge-ray principle and constant string length method. Two calculation models are obtained through the difference of amplifier structures. The Nd∶glass surfaces illumination in the non-imaging and elliptical imaging pump cavity are simulated with the same pump energy. Results show that there are lamp self-absorption and mutualabsorption in the elliptical imaging pump cavity, which affects amplifier′s gain property. To non-imaging pump cavity, the reflector profile avoids light reflecting back to the lamp and reduces the number of reflections. Thus, non-imaging pump cavity can lead to the maximum coupling efficiency and the best pump uniformity.
激光器 非成像 边缘光线原理 抽运腔 lasers non-imaging edge-ray principle pump cavity 
Collection Of theses on high power laser and plasma physics
2015, 13(1): 1002007
Author Affiliations
1 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所, 高功率激光物理联合实验室, 上海 201800
2 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
The problem that the workpieces with different sizes have different surface figures is studied in the continuous polishing process. The surface shape is a little concave and the peak valley (PV) value is 0.336 λ (λ = 632.8 nm) for the φ100 mm workpiece when polished in the 0.69 m continuous polishing machine. However, the φ48 mm workpiece is convex and the PV value is 0.336 λ . The Winkler′s hypothesis and the Preston equation are applied to study the surface shape of the workpiece, then the overturning moment of the workpiece is found to be the main reason for the surface inconformity. The theoretical analysis results show that to the round workpiece, when the product of the friction coefficient between the workpiece and the polishing pad and the resultant force from the separator to the workpiece is larger than 0.125 times diameter of the workpiece, the workpiece will turn to convex. The experiments of workpiece pressing, lubrication and moving down the supporting position of the separator is done. The results show that the consistency isn′t been improved by applying pressure on the workpiece; by adding lubricant to the polishing slurry, the consistency is improved as the surface PV of the φ48 mm workpiece is reduced to 0.128 λ ; and the inconsistency problem is solved as the surface PV of the φ48 mm workpiece is reduced to 0.058 λ and the shape is slightly concave when moving down the supporting position. The results indicate that the friction coefficient between the polishing pad and the workpiece shouldn′t be to large and the supporting position of the separator to the workpiece should as near to the polishing surface as possible in the continuous polishing process.
光学制造 面形一致性 环形抛光 倾覆力矩 润滑 optical fabrication surface shape consistency continuous polishing machine overturning moment lubrication 
Collection Of theses on high power laser and plasma physics
2015, 13(1): 0608003

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